Thursday, December 6, 2007 picks Mark Denin to be Top 10

In Foot Locker Boys' Preview, they pick Mark Denin to finish in the top 10. They use Bill Meylan of research to guide their predictions using his speed rankings.

Here is my top 10 for the World Famous $200,007 Footlocker Prediction Contest.

Boys' Individual Picks
1. Christopher Derrick
2. German Fernandez
3. Donn Cabral
4. Colby Lowe
5. Brian Leung
6. Luke Puskedra
7. Jason Witt
8. Griffith Graves
9. Christopher Aldrich
10. CJ Brown

Girls' Individual Picks
1. Neely Spence
2. Jordan Hasay
3. Claire Durkin
4. Carly Seymour
5. Aurora Scott
6. Kathy Kroeger
7. Katie Flood
8. Emily Jones
9. Kauren Tarver
10. Emily Infeld

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